Thursday, July 26, 2012

Naked City Taproom hosts Session Fest & presented by Northwest Beer Guide, Seattle has its Summer weather. What does that mean? Honestly it’s a maelstrom of answers. It’s the opportunity to head outside, mow the lawn, weed the garden, or just sit outside and take in a good book.
Or, or, you can head down to Naked City on July 27th for Session Fest, while taking in a pint or two before venturing off into the night.
So what the heck is Session Fest? Honestly, it’s a rage against all those high gravity beers that populate the landscape, despite the temperature being closer to 70 degrees. It’s a trumpet being sounded to all brewers, that you can only go so high in the alcohol wars, before it’s no longer beer. It’s … well you get the point.
And more to the point, why the hell are you waiting till Wednesday of this week to mention this event? Truth? It’s a festival at a taproom. Which means no admission fee, no tickets to purchase, and above all YOU show up when you want.
Session Fest which is happening next weekend from Friday July 27th thru Sunday July 29th will feature over 25 beers and some 15+ breweries. Although this number sounds small compared to conventional beer festivals, it’s almost the entire draught setup for Naked City, tied up for beers under 5.00%.
IPA lovers don’t fret as the brewery & taproom has committed at least one draught line for your beloved 6.5 or 7.5% beer. Much like running a marathon, this beer will no doubt taste alot stronger than what it really is.
Ok, ok, enough banter here’s the breweries and beers, in no particular order.
Participating Breweries & Beers (whenever listed)
  • Big Al Brewing (Rat City American-style Blonde)
  • Big Time Brewery & Alehouse (S*M*A*S*H* American-style Single Malt & Single Hop Ale)
  • Boundary Bay Brewery & Pub (Irish-style Dry Stout)
  • Chuckanut Brewery & Kitchen (German-style Kolsch)
  • Diamond Knot Brewery & Pub Diamond Knot American-style Blonde)
  • Elliott Bay Brewery & Pub (American-style Black Lager) 
  • Elysian Brewery & Pub
  • Emerald City Brewing (Dottie German-style Lager)
  • Foggy Noggin (Bit O'Beaver Enlish-style Special Bitter)
  • Fremont Brewing Co. (American-style Wheat Ale)
  • Georgetown Brewing Co. (American-style Session India Pale Ale)
  • Hale's Ales Brewery & Pub (German-style Kolsch)
  • Maritime Pacific Brewery & Pub (American-style Oatmeal Pale Ale)
  • Northwest Peaks Brewery (Ginger Pale Ale)
  • Oakshire Brewing Co. (Chocolate & Orange Porter)
  • Odin (Freya's Gold German-style Kolsch)
  • Pike Brewery, Pub, & Museum (Naughty Nellie)
  • Schooner Exact Brewing (American-style Wheat Ale with Raspberries)
  • Silver City (Ziggy Zoggy Lager)
  • Sound (Koppern Ketel Belgian-style Pale Ale)
  • Sound (German-style Kristalweizen)
Still interested? Good! Because as a bonus Naked City will be hosting a “Session Brewers Night” featuring as many breweries as can fit in the taproom, to talk about their beers. As usual there will be raffles, sessionable beers and of course you (hopefully).
So stop reading this! Start planning to waste your Friday at a bar, instead of seeing the latest Batman or Pixar film! Or you can have your cake and eat it too by heading to Naked City next Thursday!
July 26th, 2012 7:00 PM
Naked City Taproom & Brewery hosts Session Brewers Night 8564 Greenwood Avenue North Seattle, WA
July 27th, 2012 ‘OPEN’ to ‘Close’
Naked City Taproom & Brewery hosts Session Fest 8564 Greenwood Avenue North Seattle, WA
Once upon a time, there were two dudes named Donald and Don.
One as an engineer toiling away on the super computers of a local university, and the other was a supervisor managing the complex operations of a billionaire.
Both of them love their jobs, but more than their jobs they loved beer.
Each Don had a recurring dream of a magical place without a name, a place where great beers in the world flowed like Salmon le Sac at flood stage, and the fine brewing tradition of the Pacific Northwest stood proudly beside the best concoctions from far-flung breweries across Asia and Across Europe. .... [more] -source, Naked City Brewery & Taphouse

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Festival Update: Commitments from Georgetown Brewing and Schooner Exact. And more beer from Boneyard Brewing

Seattle, WA – It’s been a week since our event kicked off and so far this writer / promoter couldn’t have been happier.

During this week we have seen people speak up about both the festival and what their definitions of a ‘session’ beer is. While some argue that a true session is 3.5 there are others that have indicated that the term could be stretched to 5.00%.

However you look at it, the intent has been for Session Fest to allow people the opportunity to enjoy a beer or two without the thought of consequence later on.

Today I am happy to announce that in the past few days we have received commitments from breweries Georogetown Brewery, Schooner Exact, and additional beer from Boneyard Brewing. Whether currently on draft or ‘on deck’, you can look for the following beers to continue your ‘session’ beer experience.

Georgetown Johnny Utah India Pale Ale. 3.99%. Although the name is not complete what the brewery would call it, this light India Pale Ale (an oxymoron to be sure) is currently on draft at the Naked City Brewery & Taphouse. According to the Brewers Association an India Pale Ale (be it American-style or English-style) has to be a minimum 4.50 (Alcohol by Volume) so at 3.99% the term India Pale Ale doesn’t apply. Instead this writer would like to call this a ‘small’ India Pale Ale or at a minimum a hoppy Pale Ale.

image of Girl Beer's logo borrowed from Boneyard Brewing's websiteBoneyard Girl Beer. Dubbed by the brewery as a Beermosa, this 4.30% (4.70% in this year’s batch)  Wheat Ale is quote …

“… re-fermented with a blend of dark sweet and tart Oregon cherries. The use of special malts from Germany lends a slight tartness to balance beautifully wiht the cherries. This ale is very smooth with the body. Although this beer was created with the ladies in mind, it is a favorite among many gentlemen as well. Girl Beer is a perfect beer on a hot summer day! Treat yourself to a pink, fizzy & yummy experience. Bottoms Up !!!”

We couldn’t have said it better.

Look for additional commitments from Schooner Exact and many more.

Get out to Naked City today to enjoy a nice light, hand-crafted ale, lager, or cider! Session Fest lasts till Sunday July 24th.

Session Fest at Naked City

Naked City Brewery & Taphouse
8564 Greenwood Avenue North Seattle, WA 98103 (206) 838-6299


Session Fact

“Session drinking is drinking in large quantities over a single period of time, or session, without the intention of getting heavily intoxicated. Unlike binge drinking, the focus is on the social aspects of the occasion. A session beer, such as a session bitter, is a beer that has a moderate or low alcohol content - in the UK this would be around 4% e.g. Carling, or a bitter which is generally weaker than lager abv, while in the USA session beers may go as high as 5%. “