Sunday, August 30, 2009

Update: Draft List, Elysian

     Received word from Laura at Elysian Brewing that a keg of Haleakala was requested for the festival by both Dog & Pony and Naked City Taphouse (and Brewery). Here is what she had to say regarding this beer.

”Cheers to Hawaii's 50th anniversary of statehood! Brewed with organic pale, Crystal, Munich and wheat malts. Fermented with 100% Brettanomyces, bittered with Palisade and finished with Glacier hops. Hibiscus added in the boil. Starting gravity 13.4°P (1.054), alcohol 3.9% by weight, 5% by volume.”

Watch either Naked City’s Draft List for changes when this beer goes on or call up Dog & Pony during Session Fest’.


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Session Fact

“Session drinking is drinking in large quantities over a single period of time, or session, without the intention of getting heavily intoxicated. Unlike binge drinking, the focus is on the social aspects of the occasion. A session beer, such as a session bitter, is a beer that has a moderate or low alcohol content - in the UK this would be around 4% e.g. Carling, or a bitter which is generally weaker than lager abv, while in the USA session beers may go as high as 5%. “